Rules of Elysium

The rules for a building that is part of the Elysium are simple but clear.

1. On pain of a Blood hunt, no violence is permitted on the premises against Kindred, kine, or physical objects. Not only do such acts breach the Masquerade, they could cause damage to items, causes, or individuals that the Elders value.

2. The Elysium to be considered neutral ground. No conflict of any sort between Kindred may be carried onto its sacred ground. The Elders like to meet and appreciate fine arts without other Kindred shattering the peace of their contemplations. As a matter of courtesy, discussions hould be limited to the fine arts, and political topics avoided  (except when the Primogen meets).

3. Access shall not be limited; all Cainites are welcome. In practice, those who enter Elysium when Elders are present are assumed to have thrown in their lot with that group.

4. One should not attract attention as one leaves and enters Elysium. Some buildings will not normally be open in the hours of darkness, but in such cases some easy means of entry and egress will have been arranged. Guards are often Dominated and will respond to certain command words instantly. All kindred, even though visiting the city, are notified of the Elysium and its rules upon presenting themselves to the Prince. If one does not present themselves and later commit a violation, they may not claim ignorance; willful negligence is added to the charges against them.

A Prince will often issue bans or edicts against Kindred violence in certain areas, or declare that certain areas are “neutral ground,” without declaring them part of the Elysium. The effectiveness is directly proportional to the Prince’s power.



The Elysium

The Elysium is less a specific physical location than a reference to any building that the Elders favor. A building considered part of the Elysium is always devoted to the fine arts or is somehow artistically or intellectually stimulating. Many major museums, art galleries, theaters, and centers for the performing arts are part of the Elysium.


The Elysium Manor was built in 1562 to entertain Elizabeth I, is a fine example of Elizabethan architecture. The gallery of the Great Hall houses some rare Italian painted canvas panels. It also features many fine works of art including paintings, tapestries, and paneling from Nonsuch Palace. The furniture has been acquired through the centuries and includes King George IV´s coronation chair. A stunning walled garden is made up of five different themed gardens including a giant maze. The Prince purchased this house in 1862 when he was still Primogen. He has opened it up as an Elysium due to the security he has set to protect it and it’s location just on the outskirts of town. The Elysium is open to Camarillia members only. Certain areas of this Manor are off limits including his private chambers.  The Main Drawing room just off the Entry Hall is where most congregate. Limited luxuries can be purchased here.Tthe Drawing Room is a common entertainment area for Camarillia members.  The room is decorated in light warm color, polished wooden floors, Chesterfield couches as well as antique chairs and tables. Menus are provided and a Butler tends the needs of the patrons. Limited luxuries can be purchased here including drinks and cigars.


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